Schmooze and Lose?
June 2021
Squeeeeezing in a quick little ‘blah blah blog’ before the end of June (only just!).
As I randomly muse on a few things that have been on my mind, I’ll also take the opportunity to use a few cards from one of my absolute favourite tarot decks to provide a little context and perspective and insight. Introducing The Field Tarot (available for purchase here on the MoonAmaia website). Hopefully a feast for the eyes and the brain all in one go.
“Glass Half Empty”
Can you believe it, we are half way through the year, two quarters done and dusted. I cannot fathom it myself…seriously. Time has flown in 2021 so far.
Halfway through the year - and is the glass half full or half empty? Are we looking forward to the remaining six months of the year, or already reminiscing on (or ruminating on or regretting) the six months we leave behind us?
Are we missing an opportunity to grow, expand, break through old patterns - to try out new and possibly better ones because we are clinging on to old, familiar ways? And focusing too much on what has been challenging, disappointing, unsuccessful or difficult?
And does our current experience or situation mean we are a little scared to move forward, to change and transform, to shoot for something potentially better?
Perhaps we are happy to aspire to a comfortable, achievable ‘normal’? And what is that?
As the world begins to open up and interact again (a bit touch ‘n’ go in places, but progressing nonetheless), the pressure to get ‘back to normal’ begins again. Expectations around moving back to what was ‘normal’ creep back in.
But what is normal? What was wrong with the new ‘normal’? Does ‘normal’ mean we move backwards - back to toxic cycles, comfortably slipping back into bad habits, less than desirable behaviours, stagnant situations - all because its what we think we need? Because its what we were used to? And we can’t wait to get back to that?
‘Normal’ sounds kinda comforting. But the definition of normal is no longer clear to me, and almost feels foreign, and maybe a little offensive at times too.
‘Normal’ seems to be the goal for those who wish to return to how things used to be. Concepts of capitalism, colonialism and racism coax and convince people and those in power that going back to where we were would be best. That we should desire that. That it would be ideal. This doesn’t really sound like movement to something ‘better’ or ‘improved’ or ‘best’.
And who exactly decides what ‘normal’ is anyway? Do we all get a say, or do we just follow whoever shouts the loudest?
“Have Your Say”
Perspective is critical - for each of us, it determines how we see a situation and how we take action as a result.
Our ability to be able to see things broadly, from on high; to pause, to look at all possible options and situations and then form our own opinion, build our own perspective - it sounds so logical, and yet I’m sure this is not how it happens every time.
Sometimes, our perspective might require us to challenge old comfortable patterns. Are we brave enough to take the road of what we think is best even if its not the ‘norm’? Or do we disregard our perspective to follow everyone else? Is our perspective actually influenced directly by others? Is it easier just to go with the flow, to go with what we’re told? To go with those who are shouting the loudest?
We all have a voice, and each voice can be as loud or quiet as the next. So what are you wanting to say? What is your perspective? Have your say - no matter what. This is not an easy thing to do, but in the current state of the world, maybe this feels like this could be the new ‘norm’.
So what am I trying to say?
Living through a pandemic has been challenging and horrendous and scary and heartbreaking - but the silver lining has been that we’ve seen a cultural shift, that people have seen that if necessary, we can change our ‘normal’ if we have to, in a quick and drastic way. We can work from home, we can lockdown, and we can take time to think and consider what is really happening around the world as well as in our own worlds. We can pause, we don’t have to be productive and active every single day. In fact we need that time out to discover new things, to discover our perspective, to find ways of being better.
More than ever before, we need to trust our gut, our intuition - and if something feels off, we should feel confident enough to challenge it. To challenge old habits, old ways - to have a go at finding a potentially better solution. And to challenge other points of view or opinions. People have started to make their own decisions on what seems to be ‘right’ to them. Influencers still exist but the idea of being more independent and able to make up our own minds and not be so reliant on the opinions of others - this feels like a new situation to me. Schmoozing less, winning more.
I hope you enjoyed this little download of thoughts, and the beautiful cards that accompany them. Until next time!
Kristel x